IT Asset Management For Jira

AssetIT offers a comprehensive solution of IT Asset management for Jira, empowering organizations to efficiently manage their IT assets within the Jira ecosystem.

Jira Integration

Enjoy a seamless connection between AssetIT and Jira for streamlined IT asset management.

  • Easily link assets to Jira issues to enhance working proficiency and ensure a clear record of asset utilization.
  • Assign assets to team members directly within Jira, reducing administrative overhead and improving efficiency.
  • Quickly choose asset types directly from Jira issues, making asset management for Jira more convenient and intuitive.

Precise Data Analytics

The effective dashboard in AssetIT offers users a quick and comprehensive insight

  • Monitor key performance indicators and gain real-time insights into their IT assets.
  • Proactively respond to maintain control over their IT assets.
  • Enhance operational efficiency and productivity by facilitating data-driven decision-making.
AssetIT's dashboard - Jira asset management
Asset categories

Innovative Asset Categorization

AssetIT offers smart asset grouping, simplifying IT asset management for Jira by categorizing assets based on common attributes.

  • Reduce the time and effort required for manual organization.
  • Quickly locate and access specific kinds of assets.
  • Simplify audits and reporting tasks.
Number of Users
Monthly Pricing per User
Up to 10 (Flat free)Free
11-100USD 2.00
101-250USD 1.25
251-1000USD 0.75
1000~2500USD 0.50
2501~7500USD 0.30
7501~10000USD 0.20
10001~20000USD 0.10
20001+USD 0.05

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Try AssetIT NOW

Devsamurai is an Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner in Japan. We extend Atlassian products and implement applications to empower all teams worldwide. All our products are built and supported in our office in Japan.

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