
chart icon

Asset grouping based on common features to simplify asset management and facilitate decision-making.

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Asset details, along with information about their assigned user and physical location form the core features.

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Custom fields offer the flexibility to include additional asset attributes beyond the standard ones.

QR code icon

QR code generation to streamline asset tracking, enhance the asset management process.

workflow icon

Easily track assets, manage inventory, and optimize workflows to smooth operations and maximize asset utilization.

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AssetIT allows seamless integration with Jira, enabling users to link assets with Jira issues effortlessly.

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Devsamurai is an Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner based in Japan. Our expertise lies in extending Atlassian products and developing applications that empower teams worldwide. All our products are meticulously built and fully supported from our office in Japan. With a commitment to excellence, we strive to deliver top-notch solutions that enhance collaboration, productivity, and success for teams of all sizes across the globe.

At Devsamurai, we believe in the power of collaboration and the potential of technology to transform the way teams work. By choosing us as your Atlassian solution partner, you embark on a journey towards efficiency, productivity, and a competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced business landscape. Let us be your trusted partner in empowering your teams and driving your organization’s success.

Asset Models on the Blog page

🚨 Important Update: Atlassian's External Asset Platform is shutting down on December 31, 2024. See our next steps →